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Nutritious Meals to Low-Income Families

Nutritious Meals to Low-Income FamiliesState Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces Updated List of Programs Serving Nutritious Meals to Low-Income Families

13. 7. 2016

"When children eat well and have access to nutritious meals, they are healthier and more successful students as a result," Torlakson said. "I encourage families to use the services these centers provide."

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Nearly 9,000 local child care centers and 18,000 sponsored family day care home providers in California participate in the CACFP.

These facilities provide nutritious food to infants, children, and adults. Most participating child care centers provide meals at no charge. In centers that have a separate charge for meals, participants may receive free or reduced-price meals.

Meals are free or reduced price depending on household income guidelines. For example, a family of four earning $31,525 a year (up from $31,005 last year) can qualify for free meals and snacks. A family of four earning $44,863 a year (up from $44,123 last year) also qualifies. The Income Eligibility Scales for 2015–16 for free and reduced-price meals and snacks are included below.

Families also qualify for free meals if they receive benefits from California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, CalFresh, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program, Head Start, Early Head Start, or the Even Start Program. Adult day care centers with adults that receive CalFresh, FDPIR, Social Security Income, or Medicaid benefits are also eligible for reimbursement at the free rate. Institutions serve meals to all participants regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.



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